Wednesday, March 18, 2020

this wizard / rogue psyker / Ministorum priest. I've got little or no direction with this.


slovak said...

Not sure if you're looking for suggestions for direction, but I'd put a new hand on him. Or forearm and hand, anyway.

I feel like that huge hammer is weird and awkward and makes mockery of the composition of the figure. On some of the old minis the skewed proportions work because awkward = campy, bizarre can be fun while others . . . end up failing that hurdle and are just campy and bizarre.

Reinvent! It's a great old fig, the face and the book are so cool, the robes . . .

slovak said...

p.s. save the hammer and hand and put it on another figure. Like a Smash Captain with a jetpack.

aka, Thad Allen v.2.0