Tuesday, December 11, 2018

another game of "Game of Bones," the tortoise successfully blockades the rope bridge to frog island.

Friday, November 30, 2018

Artifacts at the border of the Industrial Suburbs.

A fifty power level game against the Necrons.  Dawn of war deployment, three objectives spread across the board.  Marines Errant seized the initiative.  We played the "Ascension" mission from the 2018 Chapter Approved book.

The Game Set-Up

The three artifacts were spread evenly across the board.  One, just east of  the Dictator's Ruined Podium, one lying 25 feet east of the CA5 Block, and one just behind the rock lying between the triangular BC-517 ATM transmitter and the "Red Club" billboard.

The Necrons appeared en masse on the eastern edge, between the Libradiisomn  Relay-Stat (Milepost 620)  and the Doyland Farm "SA" building.

Scouts infiltrated into the ATM transmitter.  They began to try to target the Necrontyr warlord, but couldn't connect on a head-shot.

Combat Squad Alpha sprinted into the Dictator's Podium lower level.

The Razorback delivered the Honorguard, Chaplain Gurr and Apothecary Phard into the front lines of the Necron warriors.  They withstood the overwatch fire and dove into combat, holding the Necrons in place for several turns.  Unfortunately, the Necrons continued to resurrect from their dismemberment.  At one point this Necron horde was down to four standing robots, but in two player turns had regained full strength.

When the Honor Guard fell, Plasma Team Green advanced with Lieutenant Thad Allen and Combat Squad Beta close behind.  They had been holding this objective, and now took it as their chance to lay down a fusillade at close range.

Combat Squad Alpha seized on an opportunity to leave the confines of their shelter.  They immediately began to take fire.

Combat Squad Alpha withers as it continues to secure the artifact.

Every available marine moves in to point-blank range in a suicidal ploy to stop the Necrons from advancing toward the artifacts.

At the end of the game Thad Allen stood alone, facing the oncoming wave of metallic bodies.

Essentially my strategy worked, as misguided as it seemed.  I concentrated on keeping the Necron warriors engaged in close combat with my marines, and kept them from scoring points on the objectives.  By turn five I was wiped off the board, and we decided that the book was a little unclear on whether or not the battle was over at this point.  He played another turn, and was able to score 7 points, counting first blood and slay the warlord.  I walked away with no models left on the board but 14 points scored from holding the objectives.

I've never had this happen to me before, where I won in victory points, did not destroy a single unit of my opponent, and was tabled.  Because of the lord he chose and the resurrection barge (or whatever that giant ribbed thing is) his warriors kept coming back turn after turn.  At the end of the game there were only 2 necron warriors from his army that were casualties!

A strange, but fun, game.

Friday, November 23, 2018

Monday, November 19, 2018

Terrain project update: the mod podge has some major pull during its drying time. Go figure, it's just like a PVA. So I got the bases good and wet again and clamped them to the cabinet with large c clamps. I think that worked. Next time I'll probably use a similar method but clamp at the get-go.

possibly done.

Friday, November 16, 2018

some terrain experimentation. I cut out some handi-panel. I mixed ModPodge with discarded aquarium gravel. Set into it a burned out element from a heat gun, something from a curling iron and a valve assembly from my old water softener. Then I sprinkled sand all over it.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

I don't even know where I'm headed at this point. Probably my last window, and I'm a bit melancholy.

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

sometimes, when applying enamels, you just can't win.

Monday, November 5, 2018

ambush indeed. Men became soldiers or died.

Some did both.

Monday, October 15, 2018

Magic: the gathering. It's my first game of it ever. I had lots of mountains by the time it was done.

Monday, October 1, 2018

just about the strangest game of Agricola in a long time- a very strong clay market combined with occupations that minimize clay spending. Only one Major Improvement left the setup board. Just weird.

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Shadows of Brimstone log: we ventured into the Targa Plateau for the journal pages. Laid out some major hurt on the Goliath and Night Terror guarding them at the bottom of the pit past the last portal. Headed back to town with an unusual amount of corruption and insanity.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

A little bit about DBGoLD 2018

DBGoLD, one of the more informal events of D-Company's register, is held every Labor Day weekend.  This year I got to participate in Sunday and Monday events.  I won't give battle reports in this telling of the events, just some photos of the action.

First, Seti's house for a 50PL engagement.  Custom scenario, one where we had to cross the board to get individualized relics.  I brought Imperial Guard, Seti had the fearsome Night Lords.

The "Beetles" Infantry Squad approach the Night Lords, who had cloaked themselves in darkness.  A Ministorum Priest chants litanies of war in the back of the party.  

Ratling Snipers take up a position behind a broken fence line.  

The Night Lords approach.  

Larry's Boyz take aim at a rhino.  These rhinos were my bane in this game- I just couldn't wound them!

Day two.

After a late night of gaming and movie watching at Seti's place I moved on to breakfast with Nigel, and over to Downer Hardware.

Deployment upon the coconut encampment.

Iron Warriors lined up in droves.

I love these models.

These Iron Warrior havocs on the rooftop were raining missiles down upon my troops all game long.

The "Poor Bastards" run forward in a mad dash to capture the objective.

Melkor steps out of his rhino chariot...

Unfortunately for the Bastards, Melkor would not let this kind of behavior last very long.

Matching shirts!

Not a matching shirt, but a good shirt.

Play in action.

Grey Knights face off along the streamed against a Demon host.

Jedly's Grey Knights.

More imperial guard shenanigans.  This was Game Two  of Monday, me and Romba1 against EthMongul and Lord Boroth, 75PL each.

Romba's Ultramarines look spectacular.  

Some of the Death Guard of Ethmongul.  

The defensive firing line of the Iron Warriors.

Ethmongul's Poxwalkers.

My Ratlings on the rooftop.

Two thumbs up.

Seriously, you do NOT want to  charge this guy.

Marines and Imperial Guard being all buddy-buddy.

Romba's Ultramarine Primaris.

Scions mixing it up with a Death Guard sorcerer.  


Well hello.

Hey... why didn't he take any pictures of my models?
So this was great.  I lost my first game against Seti- it was close.  I did really well in my next two games, thinking my Imperial Guard are starting to click.  Punisher tanks are really mean.  I don't think my opponents liked me tooling up the punisher with a tank HQ that would allow it to re-roll 1's on 40 Strength 5 shots.

Thanks Ethmongul for a great time, and to everyone in D-Company for making it well worth the drive from Madison.