Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Central Services Disposal Unit Mission

Two gangs meet at the Central Services Disposal Plant.   As it turns out, both have been hired by the same company, one that is a rival to Central Services- to create a good amount of havoc and sabotage.  The best way to do this is to pick up taconite ore pellets and steal them, or toss them in the disposal unit, melting them into worthless slag.

How this worked:  A board was set up, 4x6, with a factory surrounding a disposal facility that sits out in the open.  A model coming in contact with an objective can carry the objective, but is -1 MV.  A model may carry more than one objective, but each objective carried lessens the value of every objective past the first by multiple of 0.5 (this never happened so we really don't need to illustrate it further here).  "Dumping" an objective into the Central Services Disposal Unit (the CSDU) would "lock in" a victory point, or, holding an objective at the end of the game would score a point.

If three barrels were loaded into the CSDU in one turn, the CSDU would overload and the game would immediately end.

If a player scored 5 points locked into the CSDU (dumped a total of five objectives) he would score an extra D6xp at the end of the scenario.

Everyone not "down" at the end of scenario would gain +1xp.

Winner of the scenario (most objective points) would score their Leader +1xp, and a bonus of +2xp to be spent on anyone in their gang.

True to the lack of money on Cassius currently, there was no income for this game.

The Central Services Disposal Facility.  Gangs would start opposing each other from a single point on a board.

The Disposal Unit (CSDU)

The Slaan gang that joins the Eldar for this fight.  This is Cultist Youghouheny, the guy in the yellow behind him is Preacher Ouborous.

Preacher of the Verses of Decadence: Ouborous.  He's a human sage archetype, with an Agrippa Pattern shotgun.  Pretty great stuff from this game.

Hiro and Damon break off from the cultists and take a sneaky Eldar flank.

The preacher and a cultist sneak around the air pumping station, they can see Hulka's crew approaching from the east.

There's Hulka's crew, moving quickly toward the CSDU by skirting the waste disposal magnetic crane.

Hiro ends up checking out the utility truck again.  He seems to like this type of vehicle for some reason.

Yog Soth'oth leaps out from his hiding spot and smashes the Ogryn Ugsplat to the ground.  One of his power-fist punches will permanently blind one of Ugsplat's eyes.  This is the first sign of the cruelty brought on by the preacher's teachings.  Tor is pinned from covering fire, and Fjord Fairlane thinks he should probably boogie soon.

"I'll take your eye..."

The fight raged on on the disposal unit while Tor drops in a barrel. 


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